Cada 14 de febrero se celebra en varios países del mundo con gran entusiasmo alegría el Dia de San Valentín lleno de Chocolates, Flores Fresas y regalos y peluches, donde expresas tú amor a tu ser amado con detalles. Un día muy especial para muchos, se resalta la importancia del amor y que pese a la creencia de su origen comercial bien de mucho antes.
Concretamente del siglo III en Roma y a la muerte de Valentín, un sacerdote sentenciado por celebrar en secreto matrimonios de jóvenes enamorados.
Esta festividad asimilada por la iglesia católica, un sacerdote llamado Valentín se opuso a la orden del emperador Claudio II, quien decidió prohibir celebraciones a matrimonios jóvenes, consideraban que sin familia eran mejor soldados, y que tenían menos ataduras y vínculos sentimentales.
Al enterase, Claudio II sentencio a muerte a Valentín, el 14 de febrero del año 270 alegando desobediencia y rebeldía.
Por ese motivo se conmemora el día de San Valentín.
Every February 14 is celebrated
Every February 14th, Valentine's Day is celebrated in various countries around the world with great enthusiasm and joy, full of Chocolates, Flowers, Strawberries and gifts and stuffed animals, where you express your love to your loved one with details. A very special day for many, the importance of love is highlighted and that despite the belief of its commercial origin well before.
Specifically, from the third century in Rome and the death of Valentine, a priest sentenced for secretly celebrating marriages of young lovers.
This festivity assimilated by the Catholic Church, a priest named Valentin opposed the order of Emperor Claudius II, who decided to prohibit celebrations for young married couples, they considered that without a family they were better soldiers, and that they had fewer ties and sentimental ties.
Upon finding out, Claudius II sentenced Valentine to death on February 14, 270, alleging disobedience and rebellion.
For this reason, Valentine's Day is commemorated.