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Writer: Conexión San AngeloConexión San Angelo

Following Jesus

Some say there are many ways to heaven. You can follow Christ your way and I will go my way.

What Does The Bible Say?

Matthew 16:24-25 says… “Then Jesus told His disciples, “If any man would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose it and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.”

From these words of Jesus, we learn: If we are going to come after Him (follow Him) we must:

1. Deny ourselves. We don’t get to vote. We follow Him.

2. Take up our cross. This means sometimes following Jesus is painful and costly.

3. Follow Him. We don’t pick the route. We go where He leads. We listen to His words (Bible) and we follow His example.

On our own, we lose, but following Him, we are saved.

If you have a Bible question, send it in.



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